More layout, in this assignment we had to create a character plus 5 poses of him in the scene.
Layout design.

Scary blow dryer?

This guy is the result of my Layout and Design class where we had to come up with a prop design. It was meant to be a ray gun/robot although after some critiques and comments it became a scary blow dryer. I also went back and reworked it to improve silhouette value and give him more functionality.


Character Design


Different lighting scenarios created for the layout on the previous post.

Layout and Design

House composition  for my Layout and Design class.

sleeping beauty

 character design


Environment design.

Winter is coming..


Abandoned vehicle design.


sleepless night

Dinner for Schmucks!

There was a contest going on at AI where we had to design a caricature for the one of the main characters of the movie Dinner for Schmucks, I chose Steve Carell and this is my rendition.

Ostridge continued

Some posible scenes.

Conceptual Storytelling

Some character designs for a story about an ostridge who sings at the town´s bar and is now being replaced by a young showgirl.

Rockwell Study

Study of Norman Rockwell´s "no swimming" illustration for digital painting class, I decided to post the original image we used for reference (left: Rockwell´s painting, right: my copy), plus some progress of how I got to the final stage.



Last of Antoine world, some of the stylized fire and pets...


some of Antoine´s gestures.

Costume Design

Anotine´s costume designs.


Created for my character design class. He is an illusionist/fire acrobat.

Rembrandt Color Scheme

Painting done using Rembrandt´s color values of one of his portraits.

Still Life

The first post of this awesome blog will be a still life painting done a year ago in my Digital Paint class.